Sunday, July 12, 2020

What are the symptoms of COVID -19 ?

Symptoms of COVID-19

Many people infected with the some virus but don't have any symptoms. we can find many common virus does cause symptoms like common ones like fever, body ache, loss of appetite, dry cough, fatigue, chills, headache, pharyngitis , loss of smell in most of people, but in case of coronavirus (COVID-19) causes more severe symptoms than other virus like high fever, severe cough, and shortness of breath with dry cough, which frequently indicates pneumonia in critical stage. People with coronavirus (COVID-19) are experiencing neurological symptoms, gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms, or both. These may occur with or without respiratory symptoms. We are taking example, coronavirus (COVID-19) affects brain function in some people. Most of the cases neurological symptoms are found in the peoples with coronavirus (COVID-19) like tingling and numbness in the hands or feets, inability to taste and smell , muscles weakness included dizziness, delirium, confusion seizures, and stroke. Most likely people may have symptoms includes loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain , discomfort related to coronavirus (COVID-19). These symptoms might start before other symptoms like fever, body ache, and cough. This virus that causes coronavirus (COVID-19) has maximum possibility of detection in stool also , which increases the importance of hand washing after every visit to the lavatory and also disinfecting bathroom fixtures every time in a day. So its very important to wash your hand and use face mask.

How long after exposure to coronavirus are you contagious ?

How long after exposure to coronavirus are you contagious ?

 These days new coronavirus spreads across the world, the possibilities that you just are going to be exposed without knowing and obtain sick still increase. If you have been exposed to someone with coronavirus (COVID-19) or begin to experience symptoms of the disease, you will be asked to self-quarantine or self-isolate because of low number of hospital and beds . What does that entail, and what are you able to do to organize yourself for an extended reside home ? How soon after you're infected will you begin to be contagious  ? And what are you able to do to stop others in your household from getting sick?

Is the coronavirus airborne ?

Is the coronavirus airborne?

Whole word doing a great  research on Coronavirus  by the time as per current   research and evidence, Coronavirus or COVID-19 virus is primarily transmitted between people through respiratory droplets and contact routes it mean through close contact only. In an analysis of 80000 Coronavirus  or COVID-19 cases in China, airborne transmission was not reported yet.

So till now their is no confirm evidence of that , the COVID-19 known as Coronavirus is  airborne transmission or can be transmitted by air also.

It is very important , we have take precautions because this deadly virus muted day by day.

Get a good quality mass and wash your hand regular  basis or use alcohol based hand sanitizer 70% minimum.

But soap and water is the best option.   

What are the symptoms of COVID -19 ?

Symptoms of COVID-19 Many people infected with the some virus but don't have any symptoms. we can find many common virus does cause symp...